
code and design experiences for beginners

Visual Design Elements ( java )

code notes: Visual Design Elements introduces code for controlling the size of the composition and code for making points, lines, ellipses, rects, quads, triangles, polygons, and curves. Code for controlling the background color, shape strokes and fills, layering of elements, and shape transformations is also introduced.

design notes: Visual Design Elements introduces code for making shapes and designing static compositions.

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code: size function
element: composition space

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code: point function
element: point

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code: line function
element: line

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code: ellipse function
element: ellipse, circle

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code: rect function
element: rectangle, square

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code: quad function
element: 4-sided shape

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code: triangle function
element: 3-sided shape

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code: beginShape, vertex, endShape functions
element: polygon

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code: arc function, using radians or PI parameters
element: curve arc

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code: curve function
element: curve line

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code: beginShape, curveVertex, endShape functions
element: curve polygon

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code: noFill function
element: attribute, no fill

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code: fill, noFill functions, with grayscale parameters
element: attribute, fill, noFill

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code: fill, noFill functions, with grayscale parameters, and influence
element: attribute, fill, noFill

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code: noStroke function
element: attribute, no stroke

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code: noStroke, stroke, strokeWeight functions
element: attribute, stroke thickness

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code: strokeCap function
element: edge style

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code: strokeJoin function
element: joint style

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code: stacking order of code
element: layering elements

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code: stacking order of code
element: layering elements

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code: background function
element: layering elements

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code: background function
element: layering elements

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code: scale function
element: transformation

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code: rotate function
element: transformation

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code: translate function
element: transformation

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code: translate, rotate functions
element: transformation

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code: resetMatrix function
element: transformation

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code: pushMatrix, popMatrix functions
element: transformation